Saturday, March 12, 2016

Culture War Reading for Your Weekend

* “Stalin, Russia’s New Hero” (Alec Luhnmarch, New York Times)

* “The fight over abortion in the UN: Parsing the New International Development Agenda” (Elyssa Koren, Mercator)

* “The Buck Stops…Over There. Like Obama, Trump Always Blames Others” (Ian Tuttle, National Review)

* “Carson Endorses Trump” (Paul Mirengoff, Power Line)

* “Democrats Propose Lawlessness and Call It Immigration Policy” (The Editors, National Review)

* “How a Generation Lost It’s Common Culture” (Patrick Deneen, Minding the Campus)

* “The California Exodus Accelerates” (Stephen Hayward, Power Line)

* “A Cringe-Worthy Presidency” (Max Boot, Commentary)