Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Today's Best

Here's today's selection of reading for "culture warriors" who want to stay in the know.

* “America’s Brave Soldiers: Lions Led by Donkeys” (David French, National Review)

* “Obama’s stubborn, willful complacency on terror” (Marc A. Thiessen, Washington Post)

* “FBI Has Nearly 1,000 Active ISIS Probes Inside U.S.” (Judicial Watch)

* “President Obama Is Just Not Interested in Defeating ISIS” (Stephen E. Miller, National Review)

* “Syria's war: A 5-minute video history” (Ezra Klein)

* “New York Attorney General Tries to Criminalize Scientific Dissent on Climate Change” (Hans von Spakovsky, Daily Signal)

* “American Colleges Are Reaping the Progressive Whirlwind” (George Will, National Review)

* “Lawmakers Demand Answers About Illegal Immigrant Gang Member Who Assaulted Police Officer” (Cully Stimson, Daily Signal)