Friday, November 13, 2015

"Not To Be Missed"

Reflecting on today's culture wars, here are a few articles from the "not to be missed" category:

* “The Feminization of America Is Bad for the World” (Dennis Prager, National Review)

* “The Campus Purges are Only Going to Get a Lot Worse” (Michael Ledeen, PJ Media)

* “Special Snowflakes? Or Fascists?” (Mona Charen, National Review)

* “Government adds record $339 billion to debt in first day after budget deal” (Stephen Dinan, Washington Times)

* “Why Businesses Leave California” (Sarah Rumpf, National Review)

* “Planned Parenthood Paid $3 for Birth Control but Billed Medicaid $35, Former Manager Says” (Kelsey Harkness, Daily Signal)

* “Report: Social Security paying millions to dead people” (Sarah Westwood, Washington Examiner)