Monday, April 27, 2015

"Best Reads" From the Weekend

* “The Disgraceful Republican Cave-in on Loretta Lynch” (Andrew C. NRO)

* “The liberation of President Obama” (Washington Times editors)

* “Our Mean-Spirited President Cuts Loose” (John Hinderaker, Power Line)

* “Over 75? Sign here if you're ready for death” (Sophie Borland, Daily Mail)

* “How Christianity invented children” (Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry, The Week)

* “Hillary Thinks She Is Bigger Than God” (Ed Driscoll, PJ Media)

* “The Clintons' Little Tin Box” (Clarice Feldman, American Thinker)

* “Feds Play the Race Card to Crush Parents’ Revolt Against Common Core” (David French, NRO)