Monday, February 09, 2015

Catching Up From the Weekend's Reading

Among the most noteworthy articles from this weekend...

* “Obama’s week of jaw-dropping follies” (Ed Rogers, Washington Post)

* “Obama Makes Up Facts - Again” (Douglas Murray, Gatestone Institute)

* “Abortion, Inc.: Cecile Richards’ Planned Parenthood” (Americans United for Life)

* “The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever” (Christopher Booker, Telegraph)

* “The Scorching of California: How Green extremists made a bad drought worse” (Victor Davis Hanson, City Journal)

* “On the Bright Side, We’ll Only Be $20 Trillion in Debt” (John Hinderaker, Power Line)

* “Man in vegetative state for 12 years wakes up to tell remarkable story” (Fox News)

* “Lying Isn’t What It Used To Be” (Paul Mirengoff, Power Line)

* “Why do Nebraska reporters ignore senator’s racist rants?” (Deena Winter, Nebraska Watchdog)