Monday, December 23, 2013

Looking for a Few Important Reads?

Amid the Christmas hustle and bustle, you may have missed these exceptional articles. Here's another chance at them.

* “The Genuine Conflict Being Ignored in the Duck Dynasty Debate” (Larry Alex Taunton, Atlantic

* “Obama’s terrible, horrible, very bad year” (John Podhoretz, New York Post)

* “Churches and the Welfare State” (Mark Tooley, Juicy Ecumenism)

* “Gay Couple to Marry on Float During Rose Parade” (Alec Torres, NRO)

* “Insurers show no backbone as White House keeps moving ACA goalposts” (Jonah Goldberg’s syndicated column)

* "The Obama Christmas card reveals the zero at the center of our government." (Bookworm blog)