Friday, August 23, 2013

As the World Turns (Recommended Reading)

Wow. And wow again. Besides the links you'll find in the above posts, be sure to note these important articles also.

* "United States is raising a nation of savages" (Todd Starnes, Fox News)

* "Media Downplay Anti-Christian Violence In Egypt" (John Nolte, Breitbart)

* "Only in California: State Taxes the Tax Break They Gave Years Ago" (Michael Schaus, syndicated column)

* "Recklessly Living in a Carlos Danger City: On giving abortion drugs to 11-year old girls in the government schools" (Kathryn Jean Lopez, NRO)   

* "8 Outrageous Things Planned Parenthood Was Caught Doing" (Buzz Feed)

* "ObamaCare Delivers Bad News To UPS Workers" (Investor's Business Daily editorial)

* "Taxpayer cost of housing NYC prisoners last year: $167,000 per inmate" (Rebecca Harshbarger, New York Post)