Thursday, April 04, 2013

The Nitwit Nanny State: Are We There Already? (A News Roundup)

* "Tens of thousands Obamacare 'navigators' to be hired" (Washington Examiner)

* $423,500 Stimulus Program on "Correct Condom Use" Yields Zero Jobs (The Weekly Standard)

* "Get Ready for Obamacare Premium Defaults: Exchanges coerce families living paycheck to paycheck to enroll in unaffordable plans." (American Spectator)

* "Media Encourage Elderly to Commit Suicide, Call it 'Rational'" (

* "Suicide of the West: Special edition" (Dealing with the travesty of President Obama pressuring Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to apologize to Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan for Israel’s self-defense actions against Turkey-based jihadists.) (PowerLine)

* "Apparently Learning Nothing from the Fannie Mae-Freddie Mac Disaster, the Obama Administration Wants to Subsidize Banks to Make More Dodgy Loans" (International Liberty)

* "Where did all the money go? How $700 million in Katrina relief money went missing." (Yahoo News