Monday, March 07, 2011

Sight and Salvation: The Faith of Bartimaeus

Related to a niece's prayer request for a retreat in which she is participating, I was thinking this morning about Bartimaeus (Matthew 20, Mark 10, Luke 18).

"Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me." When Bartimaeus cried out to Jesus, he didn't appeal to a mere teacher or rabbi. He used the Messianic title, "Son of David." The poor beggar who wasn't able to see could nevertheless hear. And the news about Jesus had reached him long before this momentous day. He had heard of Christ's miracles, His wisdom, and his offer of mercy to those who received Him as Savior. These were the things, promised long ago in the Scriptures, that would authenticate God's gift to man of the Messiah. And so Bartimaeus believed before Jesus even approached his city.

Therefore, Bartimaeus wasn't seeking from Jesus what he asked of others passing by. He didn't seek alms. No, he wanted to see and he was confident that Jesus (and Jesus only) could deliver this unprecedented miracle. This is why he was persistent and confident in his approach to Christ. He knew Jesus could heal him. Indeed, as the true Son of David, as the long-awaited Messiah, Bartimaeus knew that Jesus could provide something even more crucial; namely, salvation from the penalty of sin. It is why he followed Jesus after his eyes were opened. For Jesus had cured not only his blindness but had accepted his faith and made him one of His own.