Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dead Dogs, Knives and Robbery: Your Airport Snoops At Work

How are things going with the TSA, those snoops whose groping and gaping and bullying of innocent air travellers goes hand in glove (pun intended) with remarkable inefficiency in the very purpose of their job; namely, security?

Well, the Democrat-controlled Senate just approved the agency's right to collective bargaining which, of course, will only help to entrench their power. And that came on the heels of the Obama administration denying airports the right to hire private security screeners.

So the TSA is flying high and free. Indeed, the Democrats have made the agency so secure they're not even bothered by the reports making headlines today.

But you should be.

* TSA officials confirm string of Newark airport security lapses

NEWARK — There was the dead dog that eluded screening; the knife that made it past the checkpoint in a carry-on; and the two passengers who strolled off despite problems with their full-body scans.

These incidents were among a string of five security lapses in 30 days at Newark Liberty International Airport, according to two officials with the Transportation Security Administration. Normally, according to one source, the airport averages about one security lapse every couple of months.

The TSA officials requested anonymity because agency employees are prohibited from disclosing security breaches...

* Ewing TSA worker: I stole cash from Newark Airport passengers

A corrupt township man confessed in federal court to operating as a lawbreaking employee of the U.S. Transportation Security Administration.

Michael Arato, 41, on Monday admitted in U.S. District Court he illegally sought and received stolen cash that belonged to airline passengers at Newark Liberty International Airport, according to federal officials.

Employed as a TSA supervisory security officer, Arato pleaded guilty to an information charging him with accepting bribes...

In explaining the crime, New Jersey’s U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman said Arato between the months of September 2009 and October 2010 accepted bribes and kickbacks from a co-worker who stole money regularly from passengers during security screenings...