Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Austrian Court Convicts Woman for Speaking Against Islam

Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff is a young mother living in Vienna, Austria. But she is also the daughter of a diplomat who has lived and worked for several years in places like Iran and Libya. So she has some personal experience when she talks about of the treatment of women and the practice of jihad in such places.

But for telling of those things in a public lecture, including the use of the term "pedophile" in describing Mohammed's marriage to a six-year old girl ("consummated" when she was 9), she was convicted yesterday under section 283 of the Austrian penal code for vilifying religious teachings. Her fine was 480 Euros but the cost to free speech, to religious freedom and to common sense is much greater.

Here is a speech about her case which Mrs. Sabaditsch-Wolff gave to the English Defense League a couple of weeks ago. It's enlightening reading.