Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Opting Out of the Election -- Who Benefits?

I've been having a Facebook go-round today with a few fellows who think they're somehow above politics. These fellows are into exaggerated condemnation ("They are all incompetent, egomanical [sic] idiots"); arrogance (Voting is "a waste of time. I find that I can make a greater impact explaining to people why I don't vote than I can by actually voting."); and ignorance ("I knew NOTHING about any of them, I was not able to make a credible choice, and so I exercised my right to abstain.")

These guys think they're demonstrating some kind of moral courage by not participating in an evil system run by infidels. But, of course, they ARE participating. Though they conveniently overlook it, they pay the taxes which support the whole doggone structure. They pay the officials, the bureaucrats, the judges, the sex ed teachers, the welfare queens, the social service busybodys, the rent for the United Nations, the grants for blasphemous art, etc.

They obey the cops. They use the infrastructure. They accept the tyranny of the FDA, the IRS, and the other intrusive laws passed by the Nanny State.

And even their "abstention" from elections (in whole or in part, depending upon the fellow involved) is still part of the process. For by surrendering the opportunity for an informed, principled vote, the "purist" thus gives an advantage to the voter who wants only more from the government trough, the voter who wants his illicit pleasures gratified, the voter who wants the expulsion of Christian values in the public square altogether.

No, though these guys insist that their pious withdrawal from the election process is a spiritual choice, it is anything but. They've rejected the directives of the Bible to sow light, righteousness and truth wherever they can, "to strengthen the things that remain," and to "occupy until He comes." They've rejected the heritage of Daniel and Ezra and Nehemiah and Paul who pursued God's purposes through various structures of secular government. And they've rejected the opportunity to help the cause of the sanctity of life, of marriage, of decency, of economic responsibility, of Constitutional freedoms of religion and speech, of democracy itself.

By not becoming involved in the election process (prayerfully and publicly supporting candidates and initiatives, helping to better educate both the candidates and the public, running themselves if they are convinced all others are scoundrels, and voting), these guys are doing damage to the country and, yes, to the reputation of the Church.

George Soros, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama are all crossing their fingers today, hoping there's a lot of pious conservatives and disaffected libertarians out there who won't bother to vote for Republicans.

It will make the Democrats' job of taking over our whole lives a whole lot easier.

"So go vote. Vote your convictions.Vote for life, liberty, and the cause of what is right. Let your voice be heard." (Albert Mohler)

“Do all the good you can, By all the means you can, In all the ways you can, In all the places you can, At all the times you can, To all the people you can, As long as ever you can.” (John Wesley)

"Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote that he is not making a present or a compliment to please an individual - or at least that he ought not so to do; but that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country" (Samuel Adams)

To make sure your vote is an informed and godly one, be sure and check out (if you haven't already) these helpful voters guides: the Voters Information Packet (a really exhaustive and, therefore, indispensable resource) and the Nebraska RTL PAC Guide.