Thursday, October 07, 2010

Changing the Rules to Cheapen Human Life

As pro-life advocates have repeatedly warned, the grand scheme behind embryonic stem cell "research" does not involve finding medical cures and treatments for disease and disability. Rather, the drive is to further de-value human life AND to make a lot of money in the process.

This is why, despite the complete failure of ESCR to produce medically useful results, academics continue to give big promises, beg for more funds, and draw attention away from adult stem cells which is where all of the progress is being made.

Now comes a proposed change in California law which would push ESCR even further -- a law that would completely distort both the English language and the millenia-old respect of Western civilization for prenatal human life. This pending regulation change (DH-08-001) would remove altogether the consideration of "humanity" from the human embryo, equating it with nothing more sacred or deserving of dignity than an unneeded tissue specimen -- like a biopsy or an ingrown toenail.

The American College of Embryology understands the scope of this dastardly proposal and, therefore, opposes it vehemently.