Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Snowed In

We're snowed in here in Omaha, Nebraska and except for a couple of forays out with the snowblower to clear our driveway, walks and the next door neighbor gal's, we're in today. We did our grocery shopping yesterday, enjoyed a long visit with Mom, and had wonderful visits last night from the Morans and from John Miller who (bless his heart) fixed our water heater. Hooray for hot showers!

So today, as Claire finishes the Christmas decorations (including the tree), I'm in for a little bit of studying for Sunday's sermon, finishing up the December LifeSharer letter, repairing a slight crack in the fireplace so it can be used tomorrow, and maybe getting round to watching a Christmas movie tonight.

Meanwhile the beef stew is in the crockpot and the kettle is on for Christmas teas all the day through. Ah!

As Mr. Pickwick once said of this very time of year, "This...this is, indeed, comfort.'