Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Dangerous Sadomasochistic Practices Taught at University By Team Obama Member

Okay, guys; this is a difficult, disgusting topic to bring up here but I'm afraid it has to be done because much more disgusting than having to think about abnormal and extremely dangerous sexual activity is having a person in a very powerful government position who endorses and promotes such activity.

The person here is homosexual activist Kevin Jennings, the man Barack Obama chose (and continues to defend) as his "Safe Schools" Czar. And the decadence involved in this particular Jennings story (we've covered others too) is a workshop at Tufts University involving Jennings which promoted an especially twisted form of anal sex.

Your tax dollars at work, huh?

Again, I hate to deal with this just as much as you hate to read about it. But we do have a very serious obligation to let people know about this stuff in order to expose just what kind of sick (not merely socialist, but morally sick) people have been assembled in Team Obama.

Keep in mind that, more than likely, a bunch of people in your church voted for Barack Obama and due to powder puff coverage by the press still thinks of him as a nice, idealistic, religious guy...a kind of political version of Sidney Poitier from Lilies of the Field.

He isn't.

Jim Hoft over at Big Government has the story. And, yes; you might want to take an Alka-Seltzer before reading it.