Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Uh, Allow Me to Repeat; ObamaCare Means Abortion

Here at Vital Signs I've warned you over and again about the coercive powers the federal government is getting ready to launch at pro-life Americans via ObamaCare.

The liberal journalists are lying to us. Nefarious groups like the AARP are lying to us. And our Democrat politicians are lying to us.

ObamaCare means abortion. More abortions. Abortions that you'll be required to pay for. Abortions that will be forced upon heretofore pro-life medical institutions.

Guys, this is a very big deal.

Here from a report in Baptist Press --

The Obama administration has initiated an effort to dispel what it describes as "wild rumors" about health-care reform, but, perhaps tellingly, it does not seek to deny that current congressional proposals will result in government funding of abortion...

"The bills President Obama is pushing in Congress could create the biggest expansion of abortion in America since Roe v. Wade," said Douglas Johnson, the National Right to Life Committee's legislative director, in a written statement for BP. "The president is evading questions on the issue because he does not want to draw public attention to the sweeping pro-abortion provisions that are in the bills.

"Both Senate and House bills would, for example, create a nationwide federal insurance plan, the 'public option,' that would pay for all abortions," Johnson said. "Also, both bills would create a huge new program that would subsidize private plans that cover elective abortion.

"Unfortunately, much of the institutional news media is helping Obama hide these provisions," he said, "by disseminating unsophisticated and often flatly inaccurate descriptions of what the bills contain."...

The Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) reported in an Aug. 3 analysis that a health-care bill in the House of Representatives "does allow insurers to include abortion as a benefit and also allows federal money to be used for abortions." The ERLC said in its nine-page document that the America's Affordable Health Choices Act, H.R. 3200, would undoubtedly be interpreted to mandate abortion funding.

The Associated Press acknowledged in an Aug. 5 article that congressional measures would permit "a new government-sponsored insurance plan to cover abortions."

Obama -- while largely avoiding the subject of abortion lately -- was more direct when he was a candidate and told Planned Parenthood during a 2007 speech that abortion coverage is "at the center, the heart of the plan that I propose." He also said that "insurers are going to have to abide by the same rules in terms of providing comprehensive care, including reproductive care."