Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sonia's Not All That Sharp

Ed Whelan over at NRO's Bench Memos points out -- Judge Sotomayor says “eminent” when she means “imminent,” “providence” instead of “province,” “story of knowledge” instead of “store of knowledge,” and so on. Does the fact that she is a Latina immunize her from attention to that sort of (admittedly not uncommon) foible?

Actually, Sotomayor's protection from press scrutiny comes not because of her ethnicity but from her liberal politics. Remember how reporters and network pundits have savaged Linda Chavez, Alberto Gonzales, Bob Martinez, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and other Latino conservatives? Ethnicity provided no cover to them.

And don't get me started on the lack of "racial sensitivity" the press has shown Clarence Thomas, Bobby Jindal, Michelle Malkin, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Ken Blackwell etc.

Again, the Left (including the press) has a one-way only policy when it comes to tolerance.