Monday, March 02, 2009

On Diagnosing Barack Obama's Narcissism

There's a brief article making the e-mail rounds concerning the over-the-edge narcissism of Barack Obama. The brief article quotes a Dr. Samuel Vaknin who we're told "has written extensively about narcissism" but there's no explanation of who Dr. Vaknin is or even references as to where these quotations come from.

However, just a cursory internet search brought me to a lengthy article by Dr. Vaknin at a place called Global Politician which "is the first in a series of articles examining Obama's psychological makeup in minute detail."

But hold on a sec.

For my search also took me to Dr. Vaknin's own web site and, though it's clear the fellow is immersed in the subject of narcissism and has written a couple of books (apparently self-published) about the topic, I couldn't find where he received his Ph.D or in what field.

What I did discover at the bottom of his long web site is that he is "certified in Psychological Counseling Techniques by Brainbench." Huh? Brainbench turns out to be simply an employment consultant company.

Also there at the bottom of Dr. Vaknin's web site you can find links to his other web sites (about 10 in all) including The World in Conflict and Transition (Politics, Cultures, Economies, and Societies Of the Balkans, Middle East, and Central and Eastern Europe); Philosophical Musings and Essays; The Silver Lining - Moral Deliberations in Films; Poetry of Healing and Abuse: My Poems; and perhaps the only one I'd be tempted to check out, Buy Handmade Folk Ethnic Embroidery from Macedonia.

The guy has diverse interests anyhow and that's certainly good. After all, thinking about Narcissistic Personality Disorder all the time can really do a number on you.

Oh, yeah; one more thing you might want to consider in evaluating how authentic are Dr. Vaknin's diagnoses of Barack Obama's psychological problems. There towards the bottom of that long web site, Dr. Vaknin provides a link to an interesting legal disclaimer: "In publishing this Web site, the author makes no representations concerning the efficacy, appropriateness or suitability of any products or treatments. Use this site at your own risk. The author of this Web site, is not a mental health professional and has no relevant background or training in psychology or psychiatry."

Yes, well. I was beginning to suspect that.

However, do any of these discoveries mean that we don't have to worry about our new president being narcissistic? That he may indeed be just as full of himself as are the MSM reporters who cover him?

Of course not. But Obama's naive egoism has been on public display ad nauseum for two years now. It's yesterday's papers: the two autobiographies, the preening, the messianic rhetoric, the Brandenburg Gate, the use of the royal "we" -- and on and on. You don't need a Brainbench certification to understand that Barack Obama is an insufferably narcissistic bore; you only need to review the record (as NiceDeb did here clear back last summer) or take a look at the nearest newsstand.