Wednesday, March 18, 2009

In Vitro Fertlization: Regulation (Even Understanding) Is Overdue

Jill Stanek managed to get an op/ed piece into USA Today. Good move. And with a good article too, dealing with the need (and timely opportunity) for pro-life activists to seek legislative regulation of what Jill calls "the Wild West of women's reproductive care," in vitro fertilization.

For more information on this crucial topic, you might want to check out these previous Vital Signs posts:

In Vitro Fertilization: The Serious Moral Issues That Are Not Being Addressed

Uncomfortable Truths About In Vitro Fertilization

Culling Embryos to Get a Perfect Baby

Does the Pro-Life Movement Care About In Vitro Fertilization?

Ova Freezing as a Lifestyle Choice

In Vitro's Monstrous Secret

Stem Cell Research: Going Behind the Headlines

What Happens to the "Extra" Embryos?