Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Here Comes Juno...And the Abortion Lobby Will Hate It.

Jill Stanek's review, "Juno': The Movie Pro-Aborts Will Hate" is up over at World Net Daily. Here is it's opening:

The movie "Juno" will be released in six days, on Christmas, and I can't wait. I previewed the movie a month ago and loved it. Pro-aborts will hate it. "Juno" is a great story that undermines almost all their talking points.

"Juno" is the third in an unplanned pregnancy movie trilogy, the others being "Waitress" and "Knocked Up," in which a girl undergoes a crisis pregnancy but heroically rejects abortion.
Don't be thrown that Juno's screenwriting ingénue, Diablo Cody, is a stripper turned blogger turned movie writer. She handled the topic almost like we would, only with spice...