Friday, November 16, 2007

Catholic Bishops Getting Down to Basics: Don't Vote for Abortion, Lethal Research, Euthanasia

It's a done deal -- one that isn't going to make a pro-abortion politician like Rudy Giuliani (not to mention every single Democrat in the race) happy. I'm referring. of course, to the Roman Catholic bishops' new guidelines for voters. They're not as tough as they should be. But they are tougher (i.e. closer to actual Church teaching) than they've been. That, plus the media attention to the document which raises the stakes (even a reference to the effect one's votes could have on one's salvation) is what has the politicians reaching this morning for the Alka-Seltzer.

U.S. Catholic bishops on Wednesday overwhelmingly approved new moral guidelines for Catholic voters that prioritize ending abortion and warn that political choices could impact a person's salvation. The guidelines, called "Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship,'' were approved by a vote of 221-4 during the semiannual assembly of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

The bishops have issued the election-year guidelines every four years since 1976, but with candidates from both parties making "faith outreach'' to voters a top priority, the bishops took pains to stake out their own role...

For the first time, the document was approved by a full session of the bishops, rather than an administrative committee within the USCCB.

The guidelines originally said voters' choices could impact their "spiritual well-being.'' On Wednesday, bishops toughened that to say such choices "may affect the individual's salvation.''

"As bishops we know that we are truly called to warn our people,'' said Bishop Samuel Aquila of Fargo, N.D., who pushed for the change. "If we do not warn our people that choosing `intrinsic evils' will have an impact on their salvation, I believe we are failing.''..

The bishops highlight a range of issues -- such as war, economic justice and immigration -- in the 40-page document. But they make it clear that abortion, euthanasia and embryonic stem cell research should top the list.

"The direct and intentional destruction of innocent human life from the moment of conception until natural death is always wrong and is not just one issue among many. It must always be opposed,'' the document reads, citing decades of Catholic teaching...

"It's breaking new ground for us,'' said Bishop Robert Baker of Birmingham, Ala. "It helps us formulate positions regarding politicians ... We've never gone that far in clarifying those issues.''...