Friday, June 01, 2007

A Lawyer's Defense of Christianity: A Classic Presentation by John Warwick Montgomery

One of my earliest and most profound intellectual mentors in the days following my conversion to Christianity was Lutheran theologian, John Warwick Montgomery. True, his influence came only through a few cassette tapes and his books (particularly The Suicide of Western Theology, The Shape of the Past, Where Is History Going?, and God's Inerrant Word) but his well-detailed arguments and his calm, confident approach to apologetics was very instructive and inspiring. I still re-read those early books and find them of great value.

Well, over at this Veritas Forum page, you'll find a few audio files featuring Dr. Montgomery taken from talks he presented back in 1999 at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Sure, it will take a little time but, trust me, they are well worth your time. I suggest the most important is "A Lawyer Examines the Case for Christianity."

And no, though I couldn't get the video file to work on my computer, the audio was just fine. And, for those of you who like to download a MP3 file for use in your car or headsets, that's available too. You might look around the Veritas Forum site; there's quite a lot of good stuff there.