Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Justice Ginsburg's (Et Al) Abortion Myopia

Mario Diaz provides a careful (and alarming) analysis of the single-minded abortion zealotry of Supreme Court Justices Ginsburg and her pals. It is available over at this Concerned Women for America page but here are a few brief excerpts:

...In the past, abortionists enjoyed an unprecedented level of respect, security and even admiration that the country's highest Court did not show this time. To them, this is not fair, even if the decision is legally sound. For years they had been the only ones heard on the issue of abortion, but this time the Court had the audacity to listen to both sides. The Dissent cannot believe this and is appalled that the Court would even listen to doctors that do not perform partial birth abortions. Justice Ginsburg quotes the lower court to express her indignation:

"None of the six physicians who testified before Congress had ever performed an intact D&E. Several did not provide abortion services at all…"

You see, according to Justice Ginsburg and abortion advocates, a doctor should be ignored on this issue if he or she does not provide abortion services. That means that the Court should listen to condemnation of the PBA procedure only if voiced by someone who performs it. Put another way, since no abortion-performing doctor calls the procedure gruesome, then the procedure must not be gruesome. Never mind that hundreds of doctors do not perform the procedure because it is gruesome. That's not the point. Justice Kennedy, writing for the Majority, addresses this point brilliantly:

"The law need not give abortion doctors unfettered choice in the course of their medical practice, nor should it elevate their status above other physicians in the medical community..."

and --

...Naturally, the other side is offended by this language. Calling whatever is inside of the woman when all but the head is outside the womb an unborn child, or even worse a baby! Calling a doctor who performs abortions an abortionist! This is absurd and disrespectful according to the Dissent. Here is what they said:

"The Court's hostility to the right Roe and Casey secured is not concealed. Throughout, the opinion refers to obstetrician-gynecologists and surgeons who perform abortions not by the titles of their medical specialties, but by the pejorative label "abortion doctor..." A fetus is described as an "unborn child," and as a "baby…" and the reasoned medical judgments of highly trained doctors are dismissed as "preferences" motivated by "mere convenience…"