Monday, April 09, 2007

Behind the Hype and Hullabaloo, What's the Real Deal About Global Warming?

This intriguing document about global warming is lengthy, detailed and full of scientific data. And though it can certainly be understood and appreciated by laymen, it will require some patient and careful reading.

In other words, it is quite different than what you usually get from the MSM on the subject; namely, hyped rhetoric, glaring cartoons, argument by testmonial, and the smugness that comes from the extremities of political-correctness -- a smugness that doesn't allow for any dissension whatsoever.

The document is Unmasking "An Inconvenient Truth" by William Kininmonth from Australasian Climate Research. And even if you think reading the whole thing (58 pages) is a bit daunting, you would do well to at least read the first 7. They serve as a good overview of the article's arguments. The rest you can print off and hand over to that poor in-law of yours that has watched Al Gore's movie and now can't sleep at night.