Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Again, Pro-Life Sensitivity from the MSM?

These two posts (1 and 2) from our good friends at Pro-Life Blogs demonstrate that the increase in media sensitivity to the lives of preborn children continues. That is high on the scale of wonderful.

The posts concern, respectively, 1) an episode of House which Annie over at After Abortion describes as being a kind of re-enactment of Baby Samuel Armas' gripping the surgeon's finger during fetal surgery and 2) Jill Stanek's column about the unusual MTV reality series, Run's House.

There are several reasons why the MSM's formerly uniform bias in favor of abortion has suffered some cracks lately. One crucial area is the development of technology: technology that has opened a window to the womb; technology that has allowed for more successful fetal surgery; technology that has dramatically pushed back viability, thus proving Sandra Day-O'Connor's observation that Roe v Wade's reliance on trimesters was on a collision course with itself.

Evidence of this sort cannot help but have an effect -- even to artists and producers living in Hollywood.

But, though much less visible, I believe the greatest reason for the change arises from the faithfulness over decades of pro-life activists to keep the banners held high. Our work on the streets, in the pregnancy centers, in the halls of power, in the high school debates and term papers, in the letters to the editor, over in the back fence and at the water cooler, is paying dividends in ways we hardly dared hope.

And that is because we have prayed for God's mercy on these varied, but all important, efforts. He is faithful.

So, read the posts I mention here and take heart that the "ripple effect" of our prayerful deeds is still going strong. And then...get back to work!