Monday, March 12, 2007

Michael Moore's Methods Scrutinized by Liberal Filmmakers

Documentary filmmakers Debbie Melnyk and Rick Caine are self-described "left-wingers" who admire and appreciate Michael Moore. However, their new film, "Manufacturing Dissent," turns the camera on the confrontational, controversial Moore and presents him in a most unflattering light.

Conservatives have already pointed out many example of how Moore's liberal political ideology (and soaring personal ego) are so extreme that he obscures and even distorts the truth in his documentaries. But those have been largely ignored by the MSM (mainstream media).

But "Manufacturing Dissent," coming as it does from his own camp and demonstrating how he manipulates information, may take some of the bloom off of Mr. Moore's rose even in those circles that have indiscriminately praised him so far.

Here is the Christy Lemire AP story that found its way to a Yahoo news headline.