Monday, February 05, 2007

On Energy Depletion, Global Warming and Other Political Shenanigans

...Why aren’t we building any more nuclear reactors, especially now? Why do we--almost eagerly--fund our worst enemies? Why are we still so economically--and therefore militarily--vulnerable to Islamofascists like Ahmadinejad?

Answer: For the very same reason we aren’t doing more off-shore drilling or drilling in Anwar, or building more refineries. Because the very same people who are now screaming “The globe is warming! The globe is warming!” don’t want them. They’d prefer having their fear-mongering political wedge issue than actually solving the problem. And because the De
mocratic Party depends upon such malcontented special interest groups for its political power, we don’t have a solutions-oriented energy policy...

Today's must-read Town Hall column deals with the issue that is occupying nearly all of the headlines for the last few weeks; namely, global warming. It's really good stuff -- a nice keeper article. And the writer is none other than Christian activist, radio broadcaster and former major league pitcher, Frank Pastore.

By the way, this would make a great piece to send around to family, pals, politicians and your local paper.