Thursday, February 08, 2007

Democratic Senator Ben Nelson: "I Am Proud to Support Your Efforts to End Abortion"

As promised in an earlier post, here are the remarks from Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson at today's National Black Pro-Life Union lunch at the nation's Capitol Building. My thanks to Aaron Eske, the Senator's Press Secretary, who so promptly provided me with them. And, of course, my sincere thanks (and, I'm sure, those of all Nebraska pro-life advocates) go to Senator Nelson for attending the event and for his relevant comments to that audience.

Here then are Senator Nelson's remarks:

Thank you for inviting me here today, I am glad to be here and I am proud to support your efforts to end abortion.

My belief in life, the sanctity of life, is rooted in my faith. I know faith plays a big role in your organization by the work you do with ministers and other religious leaders and your partnerships with the sponsors of today’s event: The National Clergy Council, the Methodist Episcopal Church, USA and others.

I understand the value that church plays in the lives of most Americans as well as its impact on our communities. Church is a pillar of every great American community. This is why I wanted to take a moment to share with you the role faith has played in my life.

During my first years at the University of Nebraska, I served as the youth pastor at a church in Lincoln. Later I traveled on weekends to preach or serve as interim pastor at churches in Lincoln, Stamford, Giltner, Harvard, Blue Springs, and Odell.

It was during those experiences that I learned how people of faith and our churches help change lives and make our communities a better place to live. I learned that when it comes to helping those in need to get back on their feet, our churches are better than government programs.

I took that experience and my beliefs and put them into practice. I’m a pro-life person. I am an adoptive parent. I committed myself to loving my children unconditionally because I know that every child is created in God’s image, we must protect our children and help families create a loving home in which to live and grow.

So first, it instilled my beliefs in my personal life. Then I took those same beliefs and put them into practice in my public service life.

As Governor of Nebraska I signed Nebraska’s Partial Birth Abortion Ban into law.
I was the first Governor in the country to sign into law Mandatory Waiting Periods and Parental Consent Laws for minors.

As Nebraska’s United States Senator, I was a leader in passing the Partial Birth Abortion Ban. I was a cosponsor of the Child Custody Protection Act to prohibit taking minors across State lines in circumvention of laws requiring the involvement of parents in abortion decisions. WE STILL NEED TO PASS THIS LAW.

In 2003, I voted against reaffirming the correctness of the Roe v. Wade decision.

Obviously, that isn’t enough.
The Congress must do more to promote a culture of life that honors life at every stage. Protecting the unborn should be a priority of the Congress. But Congress won’t act unless groups like yours are active, outspoken and diligent.

So I thank you for your work and I ask you not to rest until we have done all we can to end abortion in every community by building on our faith, building within our communities and building a strong culture of life.

I appreciate all you have done to keep these issues from slipping away. I thank you for inviting me here and I hope we can continue to work together.
Thank you