Friday, February 09, 2007

The Campaign for Nebraska's Human Cloning Ban: What Can You Do Now?

The grand and noble band working in the Nebraska Right to Life office down in Lincoln invite you; your friends and families; your church; your civic organization; your fantasy football league, your scrapbook pals, your model train enthusiasts, poker buddies, book club, law study get the join them in generating a lot of enthusiasm, prayers, letters and phone calls in behalf of LB 700, the Human Cloning Prohibition Act.

There is, as has been mentioned in a previous post here on Vital Signs Blog, a postcard campaign coming your way. But, you certainly shouldn't wait for that to get started. So, here, from the NRL office, are a few details about the bill and a few simple suggestions as to how to start generating that enthusiasm for LB 700 right now!

LB 700 is the ban on cloning for research or reproductive purposes which was introduced by Sen, Mark Christensen, Dist. 44 of imperial. Now that we know the bill number we can focus on getting grassroots pro-lifers to call and e-mail their state senators in support of LB 700. Read the 1/13/07 summary printed for the Walk for Life which details the make-up of the Judiciary Committee and the fact that we are not sitting in as good a position there as we usually do. This being a 90-day session, there is more time to hear the bill and hopefully get it advanced from committee and to the floor.

That's where you come in.

All of the pro-life/pro-family groups in the State [including Vital Signs Ministries] are in support of LB 700 passing and are working hard to get the word out to their lists. Expect to hear soon about a massive educational/postcard campaign which we are ail working on. Each group will be trying to mail as many of their large mailing lists as possible with this postcard campaign...

[LB 700] is basically the same bill as introduced in the past by former Sen. Adrian Smith and was modeled after federal legislation. At this time Sen. Christensen has 26 co-sponsors on the bill. The list of those who signed on is below. In the meantime, here is what you can do:

1. THANK Sen. Christensen, a freshman senator, for stepping up to the plate in introducing LB 700. He has shown enormous courage in the face of one of the biggest lobbies around, the University of Nebraska. You can e- mail him at If you prefer phone and/or US mail; that contact info for Sen. Christensen and all of the senators is on the info sheet enclosed.

2. THANK your senator if he/she is one of the 26 co-sponsors of LB 700; tell them you back them up 100% and want to see a ban on cloning happen. (To look at the co-sponsor list,
go here.)

3. IF YOUR SENATOR IS NOT ON THE CO-SPONSOR LIST; it may be that they have not had a chance yet to add their name. Contact him/her and ask them to please co-sponsor LB 700 and tell them why it is important.

4. IF YOU BELIEVE YOUR SENATOR IS OPPOSED TO THE PRO=LIFE POSITION ON THIS ISSUE: again, make a pleasant contact with him/her and ask that they consider voting for LB 700.