Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Sam Brownback Explores Presidential Landscape in South Carolina

Sam Brownback said Thursday that conservative values like opposition to abortion and gay marriage will distinguish him from others vying for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination.

"I think there's room in the field for someone with full-scale conservative values," the Kansas senator told about 80 people at a conference room of a branch of the Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System. "I don't think that end of the field's crowded...I think I'm going to do very well..."

..."He is definitely a conservative's conservative. It's a wonderful thing," said LaDonna Ryggs, state president of the South Carolina Federation of Republican Women.

Ryggs said she liked Brownback's support of traditional family issues, like his opposition of abortion and gay marriage. "His best line was when he said, 'If we don't get this right, we can't continue,'" she said. "The whole culture is at stake."