Thursday, January 04, 2007

Remembering and Honoring Arlis Brown

Over the weekend I learned that our friend, Arlis Brown, had died. Claire and I had met Arlis and her husband Moby a few years ago when I was doing some "pulpit supply" (preaching at a church which is between pastors) at Tabernacle Baptist Church in rural northwest Iowa. Several members of the church family there quickly became like our own family, including the kind, encouraging and dedicated Moby and Arlis Brown.

The Browns spent many adventurous years as New Tribes missionaries in the Paraguayan bush country and we were deeply moved whenever they told their stories of those exciting years. In fact, in July, 2003, Arlis was my guest on "Vital Signs Weekend", telling just a few of those wonderful stories. As a small tribute to her memory, and as an opportunity for you to be blessed by the Browns' testimony, I am pleased to post this link to that compelling, 10-minute radio program.