Friday, January 05, 2007

Does Your Local Paper Feature David Limbaugh? It Should!

Three cheers for David Limbaugh, one of America's most perceptive and relevant "watchmen on the wall." Reading his Town Hall columns over the last few years has convinced me that Limbaugh's clear-headed and heart-felt commentaries are must reading and I urge my fellow conservatives to write their local newspapers regularly, asking them to include David Limbaugh's columns in their editorial section.

Here's an excerpt from today's column: "I agree that many Democrats are Christians, but that doesn't change the fact that the Democrats' guiding ideology (liberalism) fervently promotes secular values, even at the behest of government, whose endorsement of "religion" it unpersuasively purports to oppose. Nor does it negate the political left's commitment to reducing Christianity's influence, not just in government, as it claims, but in our culture and on our moral principles."

Read the rest of this fine, provocative piece right here.