Thursday, January 04, 2007

As the Democrats Swing Into Action...

Here's a couple of items from the always-astute Evans-Novak Political Report:

...Ethics Reform: Democrats are promising to "break the link between lobbyists and legislation." Included in this is a promise to "end the K-Street Project," which is seen as absurd by anyone in Washington who knows that the K-Street Project is a lobbying jobs website run by a 20-something staffer. In fact, Democrats will not go anywhere near real lobbying reform, which would have to include bans on lobbying firms' hiring spouses of congressmen and senators -- a common practice that legally lets special interests put millions of dollars into members' bank accounts when their interests are pending before Congress. Both parties have too much to lose from meaningful reforms. The reforms enacted will be mostly symbolic. Some of the proposals being discussed would have unintended results on the behavior of lobbyists, fundraisers, Capitol Hill staffers and congressmen...

...Embryonic Research Funding: This is an issue where the vote will be very close on overturning President Bush's veto in both Houses. House passage over Bush's veto will be difficult, since 12 of the Republicans who lost voted for federal funding of embryo-destroying research. It is unclear how some of the new Democrats in the House will vote as well. With Sen. Tim Johnson (D-S.D.) currently on the sidelines, the Senate overriding vote could come down to Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.). Casey told at least one news outlet during the campaign that he supports Bush's policy and would not back the current bill, which would overturn Bush's policy...