Thursday, October 05, 2006

Ferlic vs Russell for NU Regent

Good friends Greg and Tracie sent along an e-mail yesterday which included the paragraphs I print below -- paragraphs with information very important to local pro-life advocates. Thanks for the "heads up," Greg and Tracie.

I would like to encourage my pro-life friends to spread the word about the University of Nebraska Board of Regents District #8 election. Randy Ferlic is running as the pro-life incumbent who was one of the minority to oppose embryonic stem cell research at UNMC.

His opponent is Carol Russell, who, according to Nebraska Right to Life, is the chairman of the board for Planned Parenthood in Nebraska and Nebraskans for Research (pro-embryonic stem cell research). Needless to say, it's hard to fathom a stronger opponent of the pro-life movement, and, to my astonishment she won the primary quite easily.

I can only conclude that people in this conservative area simply didn't not know about her so I hope that you will help spread the word to support Ferlic and not Russell for the Board of Regents.

Thanks for the "heads up," Greg and Tracie.

By the way, here is the link to Dr. Ferlic's campaign web site. There you can find this outspoken statement regarding his opposition to ESCR:

Randy also has high ethical standards for research and therefore does not support ending life in the pursuit of research. He favors stem cell research when the stem cells are derived from adults, not embryos. Not only has embryonic stem cell research been rejected by President Bush, Senator Chuck Hagel, Senator Ben Nelson, and Congressman Lee Terry, as well as countless faith leaders, it has not yet proven more promising than more acceptable forms of stem cell research, the forms which Dr. Ferlic supports.

Pass the word, won't you?