Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Pro-Abortion Vandals Apologize (Well, Sorta')

In a sadly typical example of how easy the courts go on abortion zealots who break the law compared to how the hammer falls on pro-life activists (even when they're not breaking the law), we now learn what happened to the students who destroyed an officially-sanctioned pro-life display at Northern Kentucky University last spring.

Here's a Vital Signs Blog post from those days to refresh your memory of the incident.

The instructor that led the melee has already been let off the hook -- an egregious case of court irresponsibility. But now the students are getting the same kind of cuddling. For though the initial charges were criminal mischief and theft by unlawful taking (as opposed to Kentucky's allowance of theft by lawful taking?) -- crimes which could have cost the free-spirited vandals a year in jail and a $500 fine -- the reality is they have had to pay a token $100 fine and write letters of apology.

That's it.

Furthermore, as you can see from this letter, the apologies are anything but apologetic. Indeed, they are full of the same spirit of arrogance that led to the crimes in the first place.