Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Tim Tebow's Miracle Arrival

The following is the May 27 entry from the Mission Possible: One-Year Devotional by outspoken Christian champion Tim Tebow. Claire and I have been using this in our spiritual disciplines since back in November...and we have really blessed to have done so. Of course, I've been singing that tune since we began, but maybe reading posts like this one will be the spark for you to order your copy today.

At the very least, please pass this blog post on to your family and friends for it is a quick summary of a remarkable pro-life testimony.

Here it is:

Only God 

“Jesus said, ‘With people it is impossible, but not with God;
for all things are possible with God.’” (Mark 10:27)

In 1986, right before a certain missionary went onstage to preach before a crowd in a remote village on an island of the Philippines, he began to uncontrollably weep. He felt like God was putting it on his heart and in his head that babies all over the world were being aborted. And then God put it on his heart and in his head that he needed to have another baby. He already had four kids that were home on another island in another village with his wife, but he felt this need so strongly. 

He and his wife began to pray for the baby they hoped to have, and a while later, she became pregnant. They were so excited. When they saw the doctor, however, their excitement deflated. The doctor believed the baby wasn’t in fact a baby but a tumor. A bit later, more news: the tumor was, in fact, a baby, but the baby wasn’t healthy, and should the mother continue with the pregnancy, it could cost her life. The mother chose to trust in God and keep the baby. 

Her entire pregnancy was rough, filled with one ailment after another. But miraculously and much to the doctor’s amazement, the mother gave birth to a perfectly healthy boy. And she, too, survived. 

That day, I got to meet my mom. That’s right. That “tumor” was me. God has the power to accomplish what we cannot. Choose to trust Him, even when where you’re standing seems impossible. 

What impossible prayers do you have to choose to trust God for?

Our Love for the Father Through the Eyes of a Child

Our Love for the FatherThrough the Eyes of a Child

(Guest Column by Dr. Ralph Kramper)

As I talked to several sidewalk advocates outside planned parenthood in Omaha, Nebraska this morning, I was called by the Holy Spirit to write a brief reflection about a simple experience that was a teaching moment. The Holy Spirit is our advocate whenever we choose to call upon Him.

This morning, my son-in-law brought to our home his two daughters, one seven and one two. Of course, the older one was happy to be there to be watched and interact with the grandparents. When the 2 year old realized dad was leaving, she broke into immediate intense tears. It appeared the departure of a most loving dad was quite devastating. Fortunately, some Mickey Mouse "shorts" on the internet helped to distract her from the feeling of loss. When I returned home from praying at Planned Parenthood she returned to frantic tears when it was not dad at the door.

My in-soul advocate called me to reflect on what should be our response when we refuse and walk away from the love of the heavenly Father who made us in His image. Realistically, we should be in great distress and tearful that we have rejected His passionate love for us. His absence prevents peace in our hearts. He never leaves us.

Yes, God sent His only Son that we might be saved from our sins and dwell with Him forever. Indeed, we should recognize His absence and be in great distress. Fortunately, the Trinity never says, "I'm done with you!" Amazing the truth we can learn from a child.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

The Top 5 (May 25)

* "Federal Court Rules Maryland Parents Cannot Opt Children Out of LGBT Lessons" (S.A. McCarthy, Washington Stand)

From the article -- The federal lawsuit was brought by a group of Christian and Muslim parents who wished to remove their children from LGBT-themed lessons on religious grounds. Over 1,000 parents — including Catholic, Ethiopian Orthodox, evangelical, Muslim, and Jewish parents — attended a subsequent MCPS board meeting to protest the decision to rescind parental opt-outs.

Then, in August, Biden-appointed U.S. District Court judge Deborah Boardman ruled against Maryland parents, claiming that mandatory LGBT lessons do not constitute a religious liberty infringement. She wrote that reading books about transgenderism, drag queens, and bondage fetishes to children as young as three “is not indoctrination” and does not “directly or indirectly” coerce children into activity “that violates their religious beliefs.”

* "Half of trainee doctors at UCLA's prestigious medical school 'are failing basic tests after dean who's anti-white ignored affirmative action ban and terrorized staff with DEI rules'" (Dominic Yeatman, Daily Mail)

From the article -- The David Geffen School of Medicine in Los Angeles boasts Nobel Prize winners on its faculty and accepts just 173 students out of the 14,000 who apply to it each year. But it has plunged from sixth to 18th place in the rankings since the appointment of Jennifer Lucerno as dean of admissions in June 2020 amid claims that the admissions bar for underrepresented minorities is now 'as low as you could possibly imagine'.

The number of students failing tests on basic medical knowledge has increased 10-fold in some subjects since 2020, the Free Beacon reported. And a majority of students are now flunking standardized tests on emergency medicine, family medicine, internal medicine, and pediatrics among some cohorts. The collapse in standards has turned the institution into a 'failed medical school' according to one former member of the admissions staff.

Admitting students on racial criteria has been banned in California since 1996 and outlawed federally since a Supreme Court ruling last year. But faculty at the school said that Lucerno has ignored bans on affirmative action and allegedly told colleagues she wanted a highly qualified white male candidate pushed down the residency rank list because 'we have too many of his kind'.

* "Urgent: Lie Detectors Wanted" (Denny Hartford, Vital Signs Blog)

From the article -- A little known poem written in the 1920’s by the author of Dr. Zhivago, Boris Pasternak, describes the power of Bolshevik revolutionary and ruthless dictator Vladimir Lenin in a striking stanza. In this poem, “Lofty Melody,” Pasternak emphasizes the connection between Lenin’s comprehensive political power and his propaganda prowess. Writes Pasternak, “He ruled the flow of thought, and that is why he ruled the land.”

Pasternak understood that the prelude to controlling people’s lives was controlling their minds. And as the decline of Western civilization continues its dramatic course, it is critical that you and I take the challenge that Pasternak’s observation implies. After all, ours is an age when the erroneous inventions of Darwin, Freud, and Marx still dominate the academic world – an age when the terms and demographics used in the public debate over abortion are provided by the abortionists themselves – an age when lies of the devil have become the dominant messages in our culture’s music, movies, television programming, fashion, education systems, and the leftist reporting which masquerades as journalism. These godless sources clearly have ruled the flow of thought in our era, thus creating the most horrendous flow of action, including waves of unimaginable violence, sexual perversion, and open defiance of Almighty God.

* "Former NIH Director Admits Government Was Top Source Of Covid Misinformation" (Brianna Lyman, Federalist)

From the article -- So Collins admits the federal government lacked any scientific basis for this massive social policy it pushed on Americans, including by colluding with Big Tech to shut down public debate about Covid-19 responses. Such debate could have revealed that many Covid policies weren’t backed by good research. Instead, numerous federal officials pressed Google, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to shut down skepticism and contrary information it falsely labeled “misinformation” and “disinformation.”

* "Courting infamy: The ICC prosecutor's blood libel is part of the pincer movement for Israel's destruction" (Melanie Phillips)

From the article -- The Israelis have taken more care not to kill civilians than any other country. Yet astoundingly, they are being accused  of crimes against humanity. The people who really have exposed Gaza’s civilians to danger are the Hamas terrorists, who have used them as human shields and cannon fodder by siting missiles and the infrastructure of warfare among apartment blocks, schools and hospitals. These are real war crimes against Gaza’s civilians which Khan doesn’t even mention.

Khan has relied for his evidence upon claims made by partisan “human rights” groups who oppose Israel’s existence and have been defaming it with lies that have inflamed protests and attacks upon Jews across the world. 

Urgent: Lie Detectors Needed

A little known poem written in the 1920’s by the author of Dr. Zhivago, Boris Pasternak, describes the power of Bolshevik revolutionary and ruthless dictator Vladimir Lenin in a striking stanza. In this poem, “Lofty Melody,” Pasternak emphasizes the connection between Lenin’s comprehensive political power and his propaganda prowess. Writes Pasternak, “He ruled the flow of thought, and that is why he ruled the land.”

Pasternak understood that the prelude to controlling people’s lives was controlling their minds. And as the decline of Western civilization continues its dramatic course, it is critical that you and I take the challenge that Pasternak’s observation implies. After all, ours is an age when the erroneous inventions of Darwin, Freud, and Marx still dominate the academic world – an age when the terms and demographics used in the public debate over abortion are provided by the abortionists themselves – an age when lies of the devil have become the dominant messages in our culture’s music, movies, television programming, fashion, education systems, and the leftist reporting which masquerades as journalism. These godless sources clearly have ruled the flow of thought in our era, thus creating the most horrendous flow of action, including waves of unimaginable violence, sexual perversion, and open defiance of Almighty God.

Jesus warned us that Satan is the father of lies and also that he is a creature committed to fierce action, especially against Christians. Indeed, the devil is never content with the lie itself; he is also a blasphemer, a deceiver, an accuser, a tempter, a murderer. And, in pursuit of these wicked things, he creates alliances with foolish, rebellious human beings. For instance, he uses such voices as a newspaper or magazine article, a film or a television program, a humanistic school curricula or museum exhibit, the allure of cocaine highs or illicit sexual thrills, get-rich-quick pitchmen or false preachers, and so on. Through such voices, the devil seeks to rule the land -- by ruling “the flow of thought.”

The psalmist tells us that those who speak lies go astray. The deception of the mind leads to “actualized” sin...and then more sin. Stressing the same truth, the Lord tells us that as a man thinks, so will he act. As apologist Francis Schaeffer repeatedly emphasized, “Ideas have consequences.” And no more crucial does Dr. Schaeffer’s remark relate to you and I than in this matter of believing lies.

Now this isn’t normally a topic we talk about. The word “liar” is considered too stern, too moralistic, too judgmental for social use…even in church. And certainly being a “lie detector” will not make you very popular nowadays. Nonetheless, those who have trusted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior have an unmistakable, undeniable calling which requires them to perform that very function. Detecting the lies that confront us throughout the day, refusing their power in our own lives, and then daring even in the public square to expose and refute those – these are critical elements of being a true disciple, a “light of the world.”

I fear for the state of the Church in the West because of the frequency with which everyday Christians succumb to worldliness, forfeiting their rich intellectual heritage for the propaganda doled out by the devil’s minions. Is it any wonder then that believers, “unsalty” and begrimed with the spirit of the age, have lost their power to influence the events around them? Rather than acting as sojourners in this foreign country of the world, we’ve settled in and become quite comfortable. Rather being transformed into the image of Christ Jesus, we have chosen to be poured into the molds made by advertisers, politicians, secular educators, entertainment moguls, and preachers who deny the necessity of both holy living and sacrificial service in behalf of others. It has been a tragic sell-out.

Is there a way back? Certainly. And it begins with the simple refrain, “Out with the bad and in with the good.” Or, put another way, we need much less of the world in us and much more of the Word. The writer of Hebrews tells us that the mature Christian is one who has by practice had his senses trained to discern good and evil. That is a comforting thought as well as a challenge. For despite the enveloping cloud of lies in our era, the Holy Spirit reminds us that the obedient Christian can overcome evil with good. Not only can we escape the tyranny of lies ourselves, we can even beat them back as they try to claim new victims.

It doesn’t come easy, of course. The most difficult reclining chairs to get out of are the ones that feel so good to be in. You have to be a diligent student of the Bible. You must strive for holiness, deny self, be a doer of the Word and not a hearer only. And you have to engage the power of the Holy Spirit as you bring His light to bear upon everything you encounter. If you let down your guard in any area, you become easy prey for the father of lies. He will fool you. He will exploit you. And he will then toss you aside. How infinitely better is it to listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd?

By wisdom a house is built
And by understanding it is established.
And by knowledge the rooms are filled
With all precious and pleasant riches.
A wise man is strong
And a man of knowledge increases power.
For by wise guidance you will wage war,
And in abundance of counselors there is victory.
(Proverbs 24:3-6)

The above passage from Proverbs presents a dramatic contrast to Vladimir Lenin’s ambition to rule over men by dominating the world of ideas. For the wise man, as these verse illustrate, is one who builds his life on the sure foundations of God’s Word. That man can then influence the world of action as he teaches truth, exposes and overcomes the devil’s lies, and guides others towards spiritual freedom, justice, moral purity, and serenity of soul.

Unlike Lenin (and unlike Satan and his henchmen themselves), the wise man has trusted Jesus Christ’s death as payment for his sin. He has been adopted into God’s forever family and given the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit to walk in the newness of life. In obedience to God’s commands for him to be a light-bearing disciple, the wise man will thus celebrate his freedom to know truth, but he will also bravely take on the duty of “lie detection” to help liberate others.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Top 5 (May 18)

* "NFL Kicker’s Pro-Family Commencement Speech Sparks Left-Wing Backlash" (S.A. McCarthy, Washington Stand)

From the article -- Commenting on the backlash against Butker’s speech, author and publisher at The American Spectator Melissa Mackenzie told The Washington Stand, “Butker kicked a hornet’s nest by denouncing the crass emptiness of a world where people are motivated by selfish desire instead of sacrificial love. So many people lead empty, self-seeking lives, whether it’s trading values for power or trading values for transient sexual pleasure.” She added, “Butker calls these sinners to account and asks them, instead, to return to the truth where peace, fulfillment and salvation lie.”

Mackenzie also stated, “That Butker sees these timeless truths at such a young age and is willing to use his celebrity to express his views is both courageous and necessary. Most people recognize the veracity of his point of view which is why they react so violently to it. Me thinks they doth protest too much.”

* "1948 Was Key" (Editors, One for Israel)

From the article -- Like a key that unlocked the proverbial Pandora's Box, the events of 1948 have rippled out from Israel and affected the whole world. Why does this small strip of land matter so much? Other lands are contested, fought over, have changed hands and experienced turmoil, but there is something seriously significant about the land of Israel. Clearly 1948 holds very different connotations for those on different sides of the conflict, and then there's a whole other meaning for those out in the nations. What does it mean for you? But most importantly, what does God think about it all?

* "The Left’s Campus Protest Scam" (Michael Lind, Tablet)

From the article -- “The issue is not the issue.” This saying of the campus left is as true today as it was in the 1960s. Whatever the ostensible issue may be that provides the occasion for a nationwide wave of campus protests, the list of demands presented to university administrators by student protesters and allied outside agitators is remarkably similar -- suggesting that the point of the exercise may lie closer to home.

For half a century now, the passion of idealistic students involved in campus protests that were purported to be about national and global issues (the Vietnam War, racism, police shootings, climate change, and now Israel’s war against Hamas) has been diverted into narrow efforts to multiply jobs and teaching opportunities for leftist professors, administrators, consultants and other foot-soldiers and clients of the progressive wing of the Democratic Party. In turn, these campus activists have helped to transform American universities from engines of upward mobility and economic growth to taxpayer-funded ideological indoctrination centers...

* "SOS: Stop the World Health Organization's Tyrannical May 27 Power Grab" (Robert Williams, Gatestone Institute)

From the article -- The WHO is not elected, has no democratic legitimacy, is not accountable to anyone and has no control mechanisms to restrain its reach. After the horrifying failures of the WHO during Covid-19, the answer is not to give the organization more power, but to disengage from it entirely.

The UN and the WHO evidently want unlimited control. If they are not stopped right now by national governments that refuse to approve the new Pandemic Treaty and proposed International Health Regulations amendments, unlimited control is what they will have -- and it is we who will have given it to them.

* "Lenin 100 Hundred Years Later" (Daniel J. Mahoney, Fusion)

From the article -- To the historical determinism central to the Marxism of Marx, Lenin added a penchant for revolutionary conspiracies and a criminal preference for clandestine activities, including robbery. He had no love for Russia whatsoever. And he loathed the European working class (and sundry social democratic parties) for siding with their respective countries over ideological criteria at the outset of World War I. A master tactician, expert conspirator, and ruthless Machiavellian, Lenin plotted with the Germans to return to Russia in a sealed train in April 1917, in time to inflict the coup de grace on a weak and ineffectual Provisional government dominated by feckless liberals and socialists. He was amply funded by a Germany that aggressively sought to undermine what was left of the Russian empire. Any self-respecting government would have arrested him for treason. While peasant mobs looted and set fire to landed estates, and the revolutionary Soviets systematically undermined the integrity and cohesion of the Russian armed forces, Lenin prepared the final blow, a coup d’état (not a popular “revolution”) to seize control of a vast nation for what was by then called the Bolshevik party. A first coup failed in July 1917. A second succeeded in October 1917. Lenin now had his opportunity to achieve utopia-in-power. But what utopia did he have in mind?

Monday, May 13, 2024

Disrespecting Female Athletes Is a Disrespect to All Women

The following is a letter I'm sending today to the NCAA. Similar letters will also be sent to the International Olympic Committee, to President Biden, to Nebraska's Congressional delegation, and Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen.

To the NCAA,

Such a bizarre contradiction of the original intents of Title IX could hardly be imagined than allowing biological men to invade female sports, stealing from girls and women the opportunities for honest and fair athletic competitions for which they have long dreamed, strenuously trained for, and fully deserve to receive. Indeed, this recent fad of accepting biological men into female athletics is not only a reprehensible repudiation of the very purposes laid out in 1972 in Title IX, it is also a blatant denial of the most basic principles of feminism, moral decorum, and science.

Please face the facts. No change of pronouns, no psychological reorientation, no drugs or surgery can provide a sufficient excuse for forcing girls and women to compete with persons born as males who thus have inherent (and profound) advantages of strength, speed, and stamina. There’s no other way to put it -- girls and women are being cheated. And the worst offenders are not the biological men lining up at the starting line with women, but rather the schools and sports associations that allow them to do so…and, of course, the Biden administration which, though claiming so loudly to be pro-woman, is being exactly opposite those claims by trying to force Americans into one of the most despicably sexist policies of all time.

This is a matter of simple fairness, so please do the right thing. Resist this new anti-woman fad. Instead, respect female athletes by ensuring for them a level playing field.

P. S. I include this popular visual from the Babylon Bee that accurately (if though satirically) illustrates the foolishness and over-the-top unfairness of forcing women to compete against men.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

The Top 5 (May 11)

* "The Democrat Party’s Antisemitism Went Mainstream With Barack Obama" (Shawn Fleetwood, Federalist)

From the article -- It goes without saying that if the aforementioned demonstrators were “MAGA Republicans” protesting an Islamic country and harassing Muslim students, legacy media “journalists” would be relentlessly spamming the phone lines and emails of every GOP official in the country asking for condemnation. They will never hold Democrats to the same standard, and their refusal to call out Obama for ignoring the leftist occupation of universities shows it.

While the media’s inaction isn’t surprising, neither is Obama’s silence. Obama’s decision to remain mum on the issue is representative of his behavior and the individuals encompassing him throughout his life...

* "The People Setting America on Fire: An investigation into the witches’ brew of billionaires, Islamists, and leftists behind the campus protests." (Park MacDougald, Tablet)

From the article -- Have America’s college students suddenly converted en masse to anarcho-communist-jihadism? Not quite. Many are far left and anti-Israel. Some are foreigners, or the children of foreigners, who have imported the conspiracies and hatreds of their homelands. More, admitted under relaxed pandemic-era admissions standards and proudly ignorant of both American and world history, are taking the “decolonial” half-knowledge pushed by their elders to its logical conclusion.

But students are not the only, and perhaps not even the most important, faction active in the campus protests. As in the “mostly peaceful” Black Lives Matter protests of the summer of 2020, “outside agitators”—professional radicals and organizers, black bloc antifa thugs, Marxist-Leninist revolutionaries, and Palestinian and Islamist radicals—have played a central role in organizing and escalating the campus protests, just as they have organized and escalated the wider anti-Israel protest campaign that began almost immediately after Oct. 7. This largely decentralized network of agitators is, in turn, politically and financially supported by a vast web of progressive nonprofits, NGOs, foundations, and dark-money groups ultimately backed by big-money donors aligned with the Democratic Party...

* "Biden’s double game on Hamas should fool no one: A presidential speech condemned past and present antisemitism. However, it contradicted policies aimed at letting the terrorists win and appeasing pro-Hamas voters." (Jewish News Service)

From the article -- The reason for Biden’s carping at Israel had nothing to do with human rights or America’s strategic interests. It was motivated by politics. From the moment that the Oct. 7 attacks happened, the left wing of the president’s Democratic Party has been vocal in its distaste for Israel and opposition to a successful effort to take out Hamas. So-called “progressives,” as well as the extremists of the left-wing congressional “Squad,” were falsely accusing Israel of war crimes and “genocide” even before the bodies of the Oct. 7 victims were cold. They are motivated by intersectional and critical race theory ideologies, which falsely label Israel as a “white” oppressor and regard the Palestinian war to destroy the one Jewish state on the planet as a righteous cause. They want self-determination for everyone but Jews, perceiving Hamas’s genocidal goals as a form of justified “resistance.”

Living as he does in a left-wing bubble inside the White House and, as he has always been throughout his long political career, a weathervane determined to stay in sync with liberal fashion, Biden thinks the anger at his initial pro-Israel policies is the reason why he continues to trail former President Donald Trump in the polls. He believes that mollifying disaffected young leftists, as well as Arab and Muslim-American voters, is the key to retaining the support of the Democratic base.

* "A simple and persuasive way to explain your pro-life view is as easy as one, two, three." (Paul Stark, NRL News)

From the article -- If someone asks what you think about abortion, or why you’re pro-life, what do you say? How do you get supporters of abortion to rethink the issue—or even change their minds? We can put forward our case clearly, concisely, and in a way that appeals to those who aren’t already pro-life. Here are three key points to make when articulating your view....

* "To Abortion Workers: 'Jesus Still Loves the Little Children'" (Denny Hartford, Vital Signs Blog)

From the article -- The Wednesday focus in Vital Signs “3 for 5 Prayer Campaign Against Planned Parenthood” is to “pray for spiritual conversion among Planned Parenthood employees and supporters.”...Well, with this prayer target in mind, I thought I’d write up a quick summary of the appeal I made to the abortionists last Monday morning when Claire, Keith, and I were engaged in our prayers and public pro-life witness on the sidewalk there. It is one of the messages I have spoken to abortion workers for over 40 years and it goes something like this...

Friday, May 10, 2024

The “Imperative” Take-Aways from the Assure Banquet

We were blessed to be part of the very large audience at the Assure Women’s
Center banquet last night…and for several reasons. For instance, it was wonderful to again hear director Toni Clarke detail the effectiveness of Assure in helping women and families, dissuading women from committing abortion, winsomely sharing the gospel with clients, helping people experience thorough forgiveness and healing from past abortion decisions, engaging in unique and highly persuasive educational ministries through social media, and more. Assure is clearly one of the most influential and thoroughly biblical Christian ministries in the Midwest.

But last night was also important because the leadership of Assure, knowing all too well the grave dangers to pro-life work posed by the extremist Protect Our Rights ballot initiative which, if successful, would enshrine absolutely unlimited abortion in the Nebraska state constitution, addressed the matter with courage and wisdom. Toni herself spoke briefly to the matter, but Assure also built into the evening’s program remarks directly aimed at the ballot initiative by Lorelee Byrd, Karen Bowling of the Nebraska Family Alliance, former Nebraska Attorney General Doug Peterson, and Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen. Thank you, Assure, for including that crucial service to the pro-life community in the evening’s purposes.

And, of course, I must not fail to mention that the keynote speaker for the Assure banquet, Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon, provided inspiration and encouragement to the large gathering present. Among his stimulating remarks were “5 Imperatives in Defeating the Culture of Death.” They were 1) We must secure the right to speak freely. 2) Defend reality. 3) We must aim at victory, not compromise. 4) Focus on winning back the culture. And 5) Courage is contagious. Within these five challenges, Dillon had a lot of sage advice, presented in a provocative, often humorous, way -- advice and challenge that this veteran pro-life activist deeply appreciated.

Of course, another wonderful blessing in the evening for Claire and I was being able to share it with the guests at our tables: Bev, Suzi, Gary & Christi, Charlotte, Kathy, John & Tabi, Karla, Sonya, Dan & Cindy, Tom & Lila, David & Ruth, Matt & Vivien, Matt, Luke, Ryan, Kyra, Reagan, Rob & Hope, Mark & Mary, and Sharon. What a noble company indeed!

Thanks so much, Assure staff, for a most inspiring evening. And thanks even more for the ongoing work you do for moms, babies, families, the Church, and the hopes of restoring to our culture a respect for the sacredness of human life.

Wednesday, May 08, 2024

To Abortion Workers: "Jesus Still Loves the Little Children"

The Wednesday focus in Vital Signs “3 for 5 Prayer Campaign Against Planned Parenthood” is to “pray for spiritual conversion among Planned Parenthood employees and supporters.”

Indeed, here is the sample prayer we offer: “Please, Lord Jesus, reveal to those who work with, promote, or otherwise support Planned Parenthood the organization’s inherent evils.  Give them a new understanding of the sanctity of life, marriage, family, and purity.  And with repentance and conversion, make of these ‘born again’ people effective servants of Your grace and holiness.”

The Scripture exhortation we connect to the Wednesday prompting is 2 Corinthians 5:17. “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things are passed away; behold, new things have come.”

Well, with this prayer target in mind, I thought I’d write up a quick summary of the appeal I made to the abortionists last Monday morning when Claire, Keith, and I were engaged in our prayers and public pro-life witness on the sidewalk there. It is one of the messages I have spoken to abortion workers for over 40 years and it goes something like this...

“Good morning! You know, among our prayers this morning, are heartfelt prayers for you and your colleagues. Specifically, we are praying that you wake up to the real nature of this business -- the evil, barbaric destruction of preborn boys and girls. We are praying that (for the sake of both your happiness and the state of your eternal soul) you find another job, one where you can truly help people rather than being a part of a business that lies to women, plays on their fears and confusion, and then actually kills little human beings for money. 

I know you know the song ‘Jesus Loves the Little Children.’ You have probably sung it yourself when you yourself were a kid. Well, that’s not just a religious song. Make no mistake; Jesus does love the little children; each single child is a very big deal with Him. And He is urging you today to separate yourself from a business whose primary profits come from cruelly tearing these little children to pieces. Please reconsider what you’re involved in here. Hundreds of abortion workers have found forgiveness, spiritual cleansing, and a fresh start with God, simply by trusting Christ’s sacrifice on the cross to pay the penalty of all their sins and to start a new, noble, and eternal life with Jesus as their forever Friend. Won’t you take this wonderful opportunity also? Please, leave this wicked place today and come to Jesus.”

I hope this brief post serves as an effective reminder for you to pray for us as we engage in this pro-life witness, but also to pray for the conversions of men and women who are going so far in “suppressing the truth in unrighteousness” that they willingly work in such a heinous business. And, of course, we encourage you aloso to participate with pro-life advocates all over the country in all of the points of the “3 for 5 Prayer Campaign. You’ll find it right here on the Vital Signs Ministries website. Thanks so much.

Friday, May 03, 2024

Abortion Hurts...Even the Survivor

The harm performed on a preborn child by an abortionist is cruel, barbaric and, alas, lethal.

But the harm doesn’t stop there.

As we tell abortion clients when we sidewalk counsel outside an abortion clinic (giving them the facts about abortion that are denied them inside the building), the violent, remarkably unnatural act of abortion also creates terrible risks to the woman’s health. In both the long and short term, a woman putting her pregnant body in the hands of an abortion profiteer faces a whole host of dangers -- not to mention the grave spiritual consequences of such an act.

These dangers posed by abortion to mothers should never be a mere “side issue” for sidewalk counselors, CPC workers, and other pro-life advocates who hold high the banner for the sanctity of life. This is because we require the mother’s change of mind to save her baby’s life, of course, but also because we are genuinely concerned for her welfare too.

Abortion hurts...even the survivor. That must always be one of our most important messages, shared with true compassion and accompanied by practical ways to help.

For a review of just how abortion hurts women, check out the information provided by such research resources as the Elliot Institute about both the physical effects and the psychological effects of abortion. It will better equip you to speak life, love, and health to those who desperately need to know.