Wednesday, July 19, 2006

NY Times Gets It Wrong (Really Wrong) About Parental Involvement Laws

The New York Times front page article boldly proclaimed their "findings" -- parental involvement laws have had no effect at all in reducing teenage abortions.

Hmm; doesn't that fly in the face of common sense? Of course it does and, especially when one considers the deep disdain the Times has always held for pro-life legislation of any kind, it should prompt the reader who is looking for accurate information and honest applications to check out more careful sources.

Well, here you go. In an excellent article written for the Heritage Foundation and just posted on the web, Dr. Michael J. New takes on the sloppy and slanted job the Times did on the issue. Dr. New's article, "Getting It Wrong: How The New York Times Misinterprets Abortion Statistics and Arrives at Incorrect Conclusions," can be read (and should be!) right here.